- "Assisted Living" chronicles a day in the life of Todd, a janitor who spends his days smoking pot and interacting with the residents for his own entertainment. Todd's detachment from his surroundings is compromised only by his unlikely friendship with Mrs. Pearlman, a resident who begins to confuse him with her son. On this particular day, Todd must choose whether or not to play the part. "Ass
Written by two distinguished psychologists for spouses, siblings, and adult children, this frank and highly useful guide is meticulously organized to provide answers, dispel myths, anticipate needs, and provide strategies for dealing with every aspect of in-home and facility care.
With chapters on choosing the right placement setting, nav! igating the bureaucracy of today's eldercare system, and determining how best to pay for services, this revised edition includes new information on:
*insurance, legal, and policy matters
as well as updated checklists, phone and Internet lists, budget worksheets, and questionnaires.
The demand for residential communities for seniors rises as the U.S. population continues to age. This growth means that new administrators and staff members often are learning by trial and error the complicated task of delivering high-quality and consistent services to elderly persons. While many new facilities have been successful, others have been plagued by a variety of administrative and financial difficulties. Senior Living Communities remains the definitive guide to managing these facilities.
In this thoroughly updated and revised edition, Benjamin W. Pearce offers a wealth of sound advice and practical solutions. He discuss! es resident relations, operating methods, staffing ratios, dep! artment management, cost containment, sales and marketing strategies, techniques of financial analysis, budgeting, and human resources. New chapters address issues particular to dementia care and architecture, and the appendix contains a department-by-department audit of senior living operations.
From the front lines to the boardroom, this book should be a part of every decision-making process for improving and maintaining assisted living, congregate, and continuing care retirement communities.
Newly revised and updated, this acclaimed, complete guide delivers what people need to know to help an aging loved one--a must for all caregivers!Written by two distinguished psychologists for spouses, siblings, and adult children, this frank and highly useful guide is meticulously organized to provide answers, dispel myths, anticipate needs, and provide strategies for dealing with every aspect of in-home and facility care.
With chapters on choosing the right pl! acement setting, navigating the bureaucracy of today's eldercare system, and determining how best to pay for services, this revised edition includes new information on:
*insurance, legal, and policy matters
as well as updated checklists, phone and Internet lists, budget worksheets, and questionnaires.ASSISTED LIVING - DVD Movie
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