Thursday, December 1, 2011
- Awake turns the disturbingly real phenomenon of anesthetic awareness - in which surgery patients, through completely paralyzed, are conscious of everything they are experiencing, including the pain - into a "completely absorbing" thriller (Roger Ebert). When failed anesthesia leaves a rich young tycoon (Hayden Christensen, Star Wars) alert but immobilized during open heart surgery, he over
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D.O.A. - Dead or Alive
- Four gorgeous women are invited to a remote island to participate in a fighting tournament. Format: DVD MOVIE Genre:Â ACTION/ADVENTURE Rating:Â R Age:Â 796019796941 UPC:Â 796019796941 Manufacturer No:Â 79694
Chicken Run
- Director's commentary with Peter Lord and Nick Park
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- Two Fascinating Behind-the Scees Featurettes
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Children of Huang Shi - Laminated Movie Poster - 11 x 17 Inch (28cm x 44cm)
- You are looking at a beautiful, professionally laminated poster.
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- This poster is from Children of Huang Shi (2008)
With the Japanese closing in on the orphanage and the Chinese looking at the boys as likely soldiers, Hogg, Pearson, and Hansheng lead the kids on an extraordinarily strenuous, 700-mile hike to Marco Polo's so-called Silk Road, leading to the Gobi Desert. The second half of The Children of Huang Shi ! is taken up by this sometimes deadly labor, and director Roger! Spottis woode balances the dreariness of it with knockout images of mountains and eerie, desert vistas. The multi-national cast is the best thing about the film, which avoids canonizing the saintly Hogg by not ignoring his sins of pride (he refers to the kids as "my boys" to the wrong Chinese authority, and pays the price) and jealousy. Chow's jaunty persona adds an essential swagger to this Schindler's List-like story, but it's Mitchell's gritty, soul-weary performance that really grabs one's attention. --Tom Keogh
Hephaestus Books represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be curated into cohesive, relevant, and informative books. To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedia articles and images under Creative Commons licensing, although as Hephaestus Books continues to increase in scope and dimension, more licensed and public domain content is being added. We believe books such as this represent a new and exciting lex! icon in the sharing of human knowledge. This particular book contains chapters focused on Films set in Jiangsu, and Nanking Massacre films.Hephaestus Books represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be curated into cohesive, relevant, and informative books. To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedia articles and images under Creative Commons licensing, although as Hephaestus Books continues to increase in scope and dimension, more licensed and public domain content is being added. We believe books such as this represent a new and exciting lexicon in the sharing of human knowledge. This particular book is a collaboration focused on Nanking Massacre films.Bron: Wikipedia. Pagina's: 33. Hoofdstukken: The Voyage that Shook the World, Bangkok Hilton, Mad Max, The Black Balloon, The Children of Huang Shi, Mad Max 2, Disgrace, Mary and Max, Babe, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Babe: Pig in the City, Dying Breed, The Phantom, Moulin Rouge! !, Alexandra's Project, The King's Speech, Crocodile Dundee, P! aradise Road, Australia, Crocodile Dundee II, Vinyan, De cup, Rogue, The Year of Living Dangerously, Jindabyne, The Jammed, Death Defying Acts, Dead Calm, Wolf Creek, Muriel's Wedding, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Black Water, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, Aquamarine, The Pirate Movie, Candy, Gallipoli, Rabbit-Proof Fence, The Proposition, Thunderstruck, The Chain Reaction, Three to Tango, Komodo, Salute of the Jugger, Attack Force Z, Red Flag over Tibet, December Boys, Storm Warning, Dingo, Holy Smoke, The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, Swimming Upstream. Uittreksel: The Voyage that Shook the World (ook: Darwin: The Voyage that Shook the World) is een gedramatiseerde anti-evolutionaire documentaire uit 2009 van Creation Ministries International, een jongeaardecreationistische organisatie. Het is geproduceerd door Fathom Media. In de film worden de evolutietheorie, intelligent design en creationisme belicht. De titel van de film verwijst naar de reis met he! t schip de Beagle die Charles Darwin van 1831 tot 1836 maakte. De film werd uitgebracht ter gelegenheid van feit dat Charles Darwin 200 jaar geleden was geboren evenals het feit dat 150 jaar geleden zijn werk De oorsprong der soorten werd uitgebracht. Charles Darwin in 1816, op zevenjarige leeftijd. Reis van de Beagle.De film begint met een beschrijving van Charles Darwin als kind: Darwin was iemand die over alles vragen stelde evenals iemand die er van hield om grootse verhalen te bedenken en vertellen. Darwin werd geboren in een gelovig gezin. Zijn grootvader Erasmus Darwin en tijdgenoot Josiah Wedgwood worden genoemd als vrijdenkende rationalisten...Forrás: Wikipedia. Oldalak: 24. Fejezetek: Félelem nélkül, Tigris és sárkány, Secret, Confucius, Aranyvirág átka, The Warlords, The Children of Huang Shi, A tiltott királyság, Ocean Heaven, Initial D, Ellenséges vágyak, 2046, True Legend, Kung Fu Dunk, Old Boys, A repülÅ' tÅ'rök klánja, Shaolin templom, The So! rcerer and the White Snake, A karate kölyök, HÅ's, A pofonok! földje , Jackie Chan: A katona, The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate, The Battle of Dingjunshan, Shaolin harcművészete, A bosszú harcosa, Shaolin templom 2., The Knot, Sanghaji Filmkritikusok DÃja. Idézet: A Félelem nélkül (Huo Yuan Jia, egyszerűsÃtett kÃnai Ãrásmóddal: éå ç"², magyaros átÃrással: Huo Jüan-csia, nemzetközi cÃme: Fearless illetve Jet Li's Fearless; alternatÃv magyar cÃm: A küzdelem útja) cÃmű kÃnai harcművészeti film Jet Li utolsó )filmjeként készült. A film ) életének egyes állomásait mutatja be, gyerekkorától egészen haláláig. A rendezÅ' Ronny Yu, a harckoreográfiát ) készÃtette, a zenét Umebajasi Sigeru szerezte, a film betétdalát a népszerű kÃnai popsztár, Jay Chou énekli. A film Jet Li ötlete alapján készült, aki a harcművészet lényegét összefoglaló alkotást szeretett volna létrehozni, mely a saját életfilozófiáját is közvetÃti. A filmet 2005 tavas! zán kezdték forgatni, a kilencvennapos munkálatok júliusban fejezÅ'dtek be. A film viszonylag kevés drótköteles rásegÃtést és CGI-effektet alkalmaz, mert a rendezÅ' eltökélt szándéka volt, hogy hagyja Li harcművészetét érvényesülni. Li ellenfelei a filmben valódi harcművészek és sportolók, Nakamura Sidó kivételével. ) minden vágya, hogy harcművészetet tanuljon hÃres harcművész édesapjától, ám a kisfiú asztmás, Ãgy szigorú apja nem engedi meg neki, helyette Ãrást kell tanulnia. A kisfiú azonban, miután apját legyÅ'zi a rivális iskola vezetÅ'je, elhatározza, hogy Å' lesz a környék legnagyobb harcosa és sosem fog veszÃteni. Ellopja apja harcművészetet oktató könyvét és megkéri legjobb barátját, hogy másolja le ...Hephaestus Books represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be curated into cohesive, relevant, and informative books. To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedi! a articles and images under Creative Commons licensing, althou! gh as He phaestus Books continues to increase in scope and dimension, more licensed and public domain content is being added. We believe books such as this represent a new and exciting lexicon in the sharing of human knowledge. This particular book contains chapters focused on Second Sino-Japanese War films, and Nanking Massacre films.MovieGoods has Amazon's largest selection of movie and TV show memorabilia, including posters, film cells and more: tens of thousands of items to choose from. We also offer a full selection of framed and laminated posters. Customer satisfaction is always guaranteed when you buy from MovieGoods on Amazon.Red Devil 3040 Scraper, Double Edge
- Red Devil
- 3040
- Utility Knives
4,500 Words
*Please note that this story contains very explicit descriptions of erotic and sexual situations written for extreme genital arousal which will lead to self-pleasure. Mature readers only.
Belu stared deep into her eyes inserting his tongue into her mouth. With! their two muscles again in a dance, Lilly grabbed at Belu's form fitting black shirt and tore it down the center. Pulling the shirt onto his shoulders she tore one arm through then the other. And with Belu's perfectly sculpted torso free, she lunged for his pants.
Loosening the button, Belu's pants popped open and out slither the tip of his hefty thick c***. Lilly, wanting desperately to have it inside her, threw her hips up enticing it to her cl*t. Unable to get past his stretched denim, her hips collided with his tented jeans causing her bones to rattle with frustration. Belu like this.
An American couple on their honeymoon walks into a bar in Guadalajara, Mexico. Unbeknownst to them they capture the attention of Belu, a creature that sits without form in the shadows of the bar. Belu, sensing they have what he needs to help him take over the world, slips into their minds and transforms himself into the object of both of their desires. The couple, unable t! o resist, takes Belu back to their room for a rapturous Devil'! s Threes ome where Belu extract from them something more valuable to him then their soul.
4,500 Words
*Please note that this story contains very explicit descriptions of erotic and sexual situations written for extreme genital arousal which will lead to self-pleasure. Mature readers only.
Belu stared deep into her eyes inserting his tongue into her mouth. With their two muscles again in a dance, Lilly grabbed at Belu's form fitting black shirt and tore it down the center. Pulling the shirt onto his shoulders she tore one arm through then the other. And with Belu's perfectly sculpted torso free, she lunged for his pants.
Loosening the button, Belu's pants popped open and out slither the tip of his hefty thick c***. Lilly, wanting desperately to have it inside her, threw her hips up enticing it to her cl*t. Unable to get past his stretched denim, her hips collided with his tented jeans causing her bones to rattle with frustration. Belu ! like this.
In 1987, Latif Yahia was taken to Saddam's headquarters to meet Uday, Saddam's eldest son, and told that a great honour has been bestowed upon him: that because of the great likeness between them, he had been chosen to be Uday's double. For many Iraquis, it would have been the highlight of their lives, but for Latif, a peace-loving man who did not agree with Saddam's brutal regime, it was not. He refused. Following a week of torture and realising he would be killed if he continued to refuse, Latif was forced to accept the role. After a gruesome training programme during which he was made to watch over thirty films of torture, hours of tapes of Uday, and undertake a final remodelling of his appearance, Latif was deemed ready. But it was only after the final test, a meeting with Saddam himself, that Latif made his first public appearance. And so began his life as Uday's double - a life on the perimeter of the inner circle of Saddam's eldest son, a witness to the! horror of his insane life of debauchery, excess and brutality! , and an experience for which he almost paid with his life on more than one occasion.Based on a gripping, unbelievable true story of money, power and opulent decadence, Lionsgateâs THE DEVILâS DOUBLE takes a white- knuckle ride deep into the lawless playground of excess and violence known as Baghdad, 1987. Summoned from the frontline to Saddam Hussein's palace, Iraqi army lieutenant Latif Yahia (Dominic Cooper) is thrust into the highest echelons of the "royal family" when heâs ordered to become the âfidayâ â" or body double â" to Saddam's son, the notorious "Black Prince" Uday Hussein (also Dominic Cooper), a reckless, sadistic party-boy with a rabid hunger for sex and brutality. With his and his familyâs lives at stake, Latif must surrender his former self forever as he learns to walk, talk and act like Uday. But nothing could have prepared him for the horror of the Black Princeâs psychotic, drug-addled life of fast cars, easy women and impulsive violence. With one! wrong move costing him his life, Latif forges an intimate bond with Sarrab (Ludivine Sagnier), Uday's seductive mistress whoâs haunted by her own secrets. But as war looms with Kuwait and Udayâs depraved gangster regime threatens to destroy them all, Latif realizes that escape from the devilâs den will only come at the highest possible cost.After scene-stealing turns in The History Boys and An Education, charismatic Brit Dominic Cooper becomes a leading man--twice. Like Nicolas Cage in Adaptation, he plays two men with similar features and opposing personalities. In 1987, as Iraq is locked in a power struggle with Kuwait, Uday Hussein decides he needs a fiday, or body double, so he selects former classmate Latif Yahia, and doesn't give the army lieutenant a choice. Upright Latif must put his scruples aside to take on the part of an insecure, misogynistic sadist. Though dazzled by the Black Prince's wealth, he finds his behavior horrifying,! and discovers he isn't alone. Uday's security officer, Munem ! (Raad Ra wi), his mistress, Sarrab (Swimming Pool's Ludivine Sagnier), and even his father, Saddam (Philip Quast, surprisingly sympathetic), all think he's off his rocker. When Uday's encounters with a couple of women come to a grim end, Latif runs away with Sarrab, who's just as anxious to make a new life for herself. New Zealand director Lee Tamahori, who came to fame with Once Were Warriors, consistently goes for the big, the bold, and the operatic, leading to an entertaining, if lurid Scarface-like spectacle. The more his camera ogles Uday's snazzy suits and sexy conquests, the more he seems equally bedazzled by this real-life Devil. Fortunately, Cooper rises to the occasion with two impressively divergent performances; he keeps you rapt no matter how ridiculous the proceedings get. --Kathleen C. FennessyBased on a gripping, unbelievable true story of money, power and opulent decadence, Lionsgateâs THE DEVILâS DOUBLE takes a white- knuckle ride dee! p into the lawless playground of excess and violence known as Baghdad, 1987. Summoned from the frontline to Saddam Hussein's palace, Iraqi army lieutenant Latif Yahia (Dominic Cooper) is thrust into the highest echelons of the "royal family" when heâs ordered to become the âfidayâ â" or body double â" to Saddam's son, the notorious "Black Prince" Uday Hussein (also Dominic Cooper), a reckless, sadistic party-boy with a rabid hunger for sex and brutality. With his and his familyâs lives at stake, Latif must surrender his former self forever as he learns to walk, talk and act like Uday. But nothing could have prepared him for the horror of the Black Princeâs psychotic, drug-addled life of fast cars, easy women and impulsive violence. With one wrong move costing him his life, Latif forges an intimate bond with Sarrab (Ludivine Sagnier), Uday's seductive mistress whoâs haunted by her own secrets. But as war looms with Kuwait and Udayâs depraved gangster regime t! hreatens to destroy them all, Latif realizes that escape from ! the devi lâs den will only come at the highest possible cost.After scene-stealing turns in The History Boys and An Education, charismatic Brit Dominic Cooper becomes a leading man--twice. Like Nicolas Cage in Adaptation, he plays two men with similar features and opposing personalities. In 1987, as Iraq is locked in a power struggle with Kuwait, Uday Hussein decides he needs a fiday, or body double, so he selects former classmate Latif Yahia, and doesn't give the army lieutenant a choice. Upright Latif must put his scruples aside to take on the part of an insecure, misogynistic sadist. Though dazzled by the Black Prince's wealth, he finds his behavior horrifying, and discovers he isn't alone. Uday's security officer, Munem (Raad Rawi), his mistress, Sarrab (Swimming Pool's Ludivine Sagnier), and even his father, Saddam (Philip Quast, surprisingly sympathetic), all think he's off his rocker. When Uday's encounters with a couple of women come to a g! rim end, Latif runs away with Sarrab, who's just as anxious to make a new life for herself. New Zealand director Lee Tamahori, who came to fame with Once Were Warriors, consistently goes for the big, the bold, and the operatic, leading to an entertaining, if lurid Scarface-like spectacle. The more his camera ogles Uday's snazzy suits and sexy conquests, the more he seems equally bedazzled by this real-life Devil. Fortunately, Cooper rises to the occasion with two impressively divergent performances; he keeps you rapt no matter how ridiculous the proceedings get. --Kathleen C. FennessyRed Devil 3040 Scraper, Double EdgeUse to remove paint or varnish from furniture, molding, cornices, wooden sashes, etc. Heavy-duty plastic handle.Red Devil 3040 Scraper, Double Edge Features:; 1 1/2" (3.8 cm) Blade; Carded; Made from hardwood for long lasting life; Hardened high-carbon steel blades; Replacement blade 3062 (3673-5355); 7" x 1-1/2"
The Hangover Movie One Man Wolf Pack 24-by-36-Inch Poster Print
- Movie-still poster from 2009 comedy The Hangover
- Features Zach Galifianakis as the character Alan
- Quote on being a one-man wolf pack printed on left corner
- Coordinates with several other Hangover posters
- Measures 24 by 36 inches
Vanity Fair presents 21 true stories of the new! hard times
Where did all the billions go?
C ommissioned by the editors at Vanity Fair magazine, The Great Hangover is an eye-opening collection of essays on the global economic crisis by fifteen of the most respected contemporary business writers in America, including:
Bryan Burrough (Barbarians at the Gate) on the atmosphere of uncertainty and fear that preceded the demise of Bear Stearns . . .
Michael Lewis (Liar's Poker) on Iceland's bizarre national implosion . . .
Mark Bowden (Black Hawk Down) on the decline of The New York Times and the threat to the ailing newspaper industry . . .
Mark Seal on the defining figure of the seriously tarnished New Gilded Age: the Grand Master of Greed, Bernie Madoff . . .
Along with compelling and sometimes hair-raising pieces from a dozen other Vanity Fair contributors on the recent recession's myriad villains and victimsâ"and the worldwide impact of the financial downturn.
Van! ity Fair presents 21 true stories of the new hard times
Where did all the billions go?
Commissioned by the editors at Vanity Fair magazine, The Great Hangover is an eye-opening collection of essays on the global economic crisis by fifteen of the most respected contemporary business writers in America, including:
Bryan Burrough (Barbarians at the Gate) on the atmosphere of uncertainty and fear that preceded the demise of Bear Stearns . . .
Michael Lewis (Liar's Poker) on Iceland's bizarre national implosion . . .
Mark Bowden (Black Hawk Down) on the decline of The New York Times and the threat to the ailing newspaper industry . . .
Mark Seal on the defining figure of the seriously tarnished New Gilded Age: the Grand Master of Greed, Bernie Madoff . . .
Along with compelling and sometimes hair-raising pieces from a dozen other Vanity Fair contributors on the recent! recession's myriad villains and victimsâ"and the worldwide i! mpact of the financial downturn.
From the director of "Old School" comes a new comedy about a bachelor party in Vegas gone horribly wrong. Two days before his wedding, Doug (Justin Bartha) and his three buddies (Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis) drive to Vegas for a night they'll never forget. But when the three groomsmen wake up the next morning with pounding headaches, they can't remember a thing and the groom is nowhere to be found. With little time to spare the trio must attempt to retrace their bad decisions from the night before in order to get Doug back to LA in time for his wedding. Soundtrack features performances by The Dan Band and Mike Tyson. Every bad hangover starts with a great party album.Decorate your home or office with high quality posters. The Hangover Movie One Man Wolf Pack 24-by-36-Inch Poster Print is that perfect piece that matches your style, interests, and budget.